The POWER of prayer 4/5/2015

PictureI have been trying to get this written since Thursday. Yet, today on Easter the title is a little more appropriate. There are many forms of pray, from a very structured routine to grace to light and airy thoughts during the day. Whichever way you give through the power of your heart Archer knows, he feels the love we all have for him. There have been a few times so far in his life when I know he was being upheld in many prayers. The first time last May-June 2014, this is when we visited the ER for a new type of seizure coming in clusters several times a day. It was actually the Friday before my 1st Mothers Day. For mothers day we needed to get out and so OF course we took a trip to our magical place the Grasshopper Valley and Maverick Mountain! During this time Brandon and I slowly began reaching out for support and sharing stories of our journey with Archer. People began praying and holding him close to their hearts, one particular day in June the seizures had almost stopped and I thought we had broke thru without the medication it was truly an amazing day, almost as if you could feel all the spirits around him providing protection from the seizures. However the following next few days the seizures came back with a vengeance doubling or tripling their frequency. That was it if our MT neurologist was not going to get him diagnosed I was going to load up and drive to Seattle until I got answers. By now it was the middle of June before Archer was able to receive medication. This particular medicine was a form of steroid administered by shots in the leg for 30 days. Yes, momma was the one poking her little 5 month old, precious baby boy, twice a day along with 4 other medications to counter-act the side effects. After 72 hours of the shots the seizures stopped and have yet to return! He was so uncomfortable, pumped full of medicine, he stopped smiling and laughing, it was too uncomfortable to snuggle. These days seemed so long when I marked out the 30-day dosage on the calendar. Holy moly those days are gone and enough detail for you, yet this is really only the icing on top.  We again went to our magical place Maverick (btw, I wanted this to be Archer's middle name, but Grandpa Orrin Jay won) over the 4th of July holiday to get Archer out of the shocking fireworks, as we didn't want anything to trigger the seizures beginning again. At camp we let the little bug be nakey and take in the magic of nature, the sounds of birds, the creaking trees, the fresh smell of the forest. He began to giggle!! Our hearts were lifted and able to put the past into the past and live in the moment. PictureFast forward to the last few weeks of March 2015, when the word about Archer spread like wild fire. Friends from far away places, community members, the prayer chain began again and uplifting Archer with the power of pray. Love is the most healing gift you can give. These past few weeks his brain is showing us that the connections and pathways are being forged. All in time it will come. He decided to let us know that speech will not be an issue as his sweet voice began praising the world with 'mamama'!! The picture at the left is of him sitting up and away from back support. This is a big step for our little guy as he has very low muscle tone and it takes a lot of effort cognitively and physically to work together and hold himself up. It is an eye opener to all the things that come so easily for some, are a huge hurdle of others. May we all slow down and appreciate the small treasures of life and each moment we have together and apart to spread our love.  

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