The summer flew by, just as Archer has been soaring with development! Spending vast amounts of time on the road I often relate route maps and traffic to brain activity and the fluidity of Archer’s neurons. When approaching construction, a slow vehicle, turns, bumps, crossing animals, even pedestrians, really any sort of obstruction in my path, I’m reminded to allow this change in pace to occur. A reflection of how Archer often gets on a pathway ending in a round-about. His central nervous system needing the education to turn, to explore a new pathway. The work of AnatBanielMethod® Neuromovement ® teaches Archer where the turns are, how to slow down and approach with awareness, and ignites his abilities to imaginatively explore his world. Sounds like what childhood use to be, right?!?! We were very sad for summer to end and daddy's return to teaching kindergarten. But as Brandon started his first week of school, Archer also got back in the saddle of learning with a trip to Cali...