
February 28th, 2023 is Rare Disease Day. Chances are it's rare that you know the date or significance of this day. Why, because it's rare that you or your loved ones are affected by a rare disease. A small percentage of us out here in the world know about the rare day. However the rare population that DO know about the day are fully aware. They may not all order their steaks rare, but they do have a rarity among them! While it's RARE that I share today, given I haven't in nearly 5 years. Even more rare is the day I choose to bring my voice back happens to be National Rare Disease Day, coincidence I think not! Where in the world has Archer journeyed too? Well I should say, he has became quite a jay bird, rightfully so as any nine year old does and will, a strong will at that. He is finding out what a personality one can have! Jay birds are bold and known for their raucous manner. Archer has learned his voice gets him what he wants, any sounds, louder the better. More o...