All in time
We have a 4 year old boy! He loves to be happy, don’t we all right? Archer’s vocabulary has begun to expand exponentially. He chooses to express words with great intonation. Awesome, cool, and Wow are a few of his favorite words, along with soccer ball, and "play rocks". His new favorite actions are to stand at the door and with slight demand say, “open door handle!” I knew, all in time we’d be blessed with his spoken language. A few words where there, but lingered for months. What did it? Being around his peers speaking at preschool. This provided him the experience needed to synthesize his own spoken language. Hello, language neurons, thank you for sparking and connecting. Ha-PPY, is a feeling Archer understands, and will be quick to express if the situation presents itself. As a parent of a child with challenges, introductions can be tough and stir-up several emotions. I choose to explain how he loves music, being outdoors, and getting dirty. He can count...