Eyes. Brain. What SEES?

Life is instinctive and we have been wired to react; move quickly, do not delay. Well, delay, was introduced to my life a little over 3 years ago, and with that a world full of deprivation. Deprivation showed its face when my breast-fed child struggled to melt his gaze into me when intimately being nourished. The damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society, deprived. The face, a considerably complex image to interpret for a child with cortical visual impairment. Inside these little dears’ skull, structures are lacking or have been damaged depriving the visual processing center and visual pathways of the brain. My son is unable to experience a sense of relief by visually capturing my face. When he needs a “security” check-in, the simple reassurance of finding my face is inaccessible to him. It is estimated 80 percent of what children learn comes to them through their vision. Archer does not learn by watching others. His world will neve...