RED Rocketship to the MOON!!

Today I rose with my husband before the sun crested over the eastern peaks of the Ruby Mountains. A glowing ring settled on the horizon of those jagged peaks, bouncing off the bowls filled with snow, silhouetted by the darkness of the night, slowly giving way to the rising sun, this is the new view from our home. The very place our family will settle, a solid foundation, building a sanctuary of love, here our roots grow deep into the cooling earth of Autumn. As the sun rises, it lifts light into my soul, and shines beautiful message right onto our wall. Reflect today. Write. Share. Tis the season, and today I choose to take a spin on the story of Archer’s Journey, allowing my words to reflect a different person and different point of view. MAA! MAAHH!! Archer, Archer, ARcher! I let my mom know I’m awake for the day, little does she know last night when I wanted to go to bed early, I knew. I knew it was my mom’s birthday tomorrow. I let her know I wanted to go to bed extra ...