Richness in the experience....

Somehow in the juggle of Archer’s developmental milestones, the richness of experiencing life on his belly was cashed in for the support of big, bulky, stationary containment devices, with focus on getting him upright, either seated or standing. I must say, the engineering of “baby activity” items is stripping children of experiencing natural movement. These are especially ineffective for children facing other challenges. I constantly was constructing additional supports with pool noodles, towel rolls, neck pillows, doing anything to make it appear like he was advancing in development. We justified our efforts by believing it was his visual impairment restricting his desire to be positioned on his belly. Now, the only beneficial, natural thing we are continuing to do with straps, wraps, buckles, and snaps is wear him! Being overwhelmed with which needs take prominence is a daily endeavor. After receiving his CVI diagnosis in July 2014, we choose to devote our extra time educating ours...