With Gratitude, Dillon Let us GO!

This blog has been manifesting for quite sometime, the emotions to be expressed are so eminently raw. I have been drafting the post for months and I finally came to realization that it will never be perfectly expressed, so I might as well let it go... hmm the message of the entire post. Other posts have been fighting for their appearance, yet something kept holding me back, so here it is the long awaited message, with it a release! Now I can keep writing and sharing our story. It’s what I preach, “May you let it go!” With hope, I desire in my teachings of yoga to guide the soul thru a transformation of physically, mentally, and emotionally letting go. When teaching, I mindfully sculpt my words for others, to draw insights into a posture embracing openness, to allow space for vulnerability, to create awareness of the moment, to give way and honor weakness, and to meaningfully release. No matter how big or small the change, I strive for it to be an evolution, to exude a con...