He looks sleepy...

More often than not when Archer encounters something new, be that a new environment or introduced to a new object, even a new onlooker, the most frequent first comment out of one's mouth is "Oh, he looks sleepy." Well, NO he isn't sleepy, this is what I'm so kindly saying to myself. Then its my decision to make a remark OUT loud. At this moment, I decide what will be my response, however there are many factors that go into this next remark. Of course, I strive to be a constant advocate for my child, but first I must check in to my emotional capacity at the moment. Is this worth my time and energy to be frank, and go into the long saga about his visual impairment, teach the lesson? Or do I take a moment to step away from advocacy and completely divert the comment? Do I make up an excuse about his deduced sleepiness? Or do I just gut it, give no comment, and continue on with our day. This is a fine line that I walk on a daily basis, multiple times throughout the day...